Tonight I sleep alone...

After years of kicking, punching, teeth grinding, pillow stealing and bed hogging I am pleased to say tonight I will have the whole entire bed to myself.

That's right, Mason is moving out of my bed. He's not going that far though. I never really thought of Mason having to sleep in his own bed. He has a pretty awesome bed, but he isn't really a big fan of sleeping in his room. Sure, it's great to play in there...but sleeping? Not with that monster in the closet!

I tried a while ago to get him to sleep in his own bed. After many nights of struggles and me giving in, he finally had a good night and slept in his own bed. I had won the battle and I was proud.

As soon as I laid my head on the pillow panic set in. What if there is a fire? A gas leak? A burglar? All these thoughts were racing through my head, my heart started pounding out of my I went and got him out of his bed and brought him in with me. It's been a couple months now and as much as I love the little guy, the teeth grinding and kicking...oh and the pillow hogging is just getting to be too much.

I got the idea to put his bed in my bedroom for a while. That way he can get used to sleeping alone and having his own little spot since he has never really slept in his own bed before and I could get the peace of mind that he is only 5 feet away and his foot is not wedged in my back all night. It's a win-win I tell ya!

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Hello..this is my blog. I bought this fancy theme and I don't know what to write here just yet. Maybe one day remind me I have to write something inspiring here?


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