I heart Ryan Adams

The only way I can describe his music is brilliant. I'm sure everybody in this house hates me when I listen to his songs because I have to hear the same ones over again and again because there is just something about them and when I hear a song once I have to hear it again right away because I miss it already..it's a vicious cycle.

Not to mention he is incredibly sexy...I say that in the most respectful way possible. There is just something about him. Although I feel a little strange sharing that information since we do share a last name...and who knows, we may be related in some way?

I remember once in elementary school I told a girl in my class I was related to Brian Adams(famous Canadian Rocker - think Robin Hood Soundtrack) - I said I was his first cousin at that!! Well didn't she go to his concert and meet him and said she knew his cousin...yeah that went well. I learned never to make up lies about myself again after that day. Except for the necessary ones...you know the ones like I do not sit in my pyjamas all day on Saturdays and eat Nutella out of the jar and that I do not wish that Keith Urban would leave Nicole Kidman for me. Those kind of things are okay to lie about, right?

I'm getting off topic here...My suggestion to you is to listen to his songs, the music, the lyrics they are so amazing. I absolutely adore him!

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