Every Working Mom Needs This Book...

First off I gotta say it...I am not a cook. I can hardly even cook instant meals without some disaster in the kitchen happening (the stove top fire yesterday was a little exciting)...but I want to learn and this book has really helped me.

Cooking for the Rushed - The Healthy Family

Now I hate cookbooks. They always remind me how much of a failure in the kitchen I am. The best way I make meals is to create my own. You can only make a stirfry so many ways before it gets boring so I decided to give this book a try.

Now the best part of this book is that it is totally geared towards busy moms like us. The book includes shopping lists, utensil lists you will need for each recipe and it even goes as far to tell you how long it will take you to burn off the calories from each meal.

My favourite recipe so far has to be the "Amazing Chicken Stew on Rice". The ingredients are simple (rice, cooking spray, 3 chicken breasts, lemon pepper, fresh pepper, Mrs. Dash (I substituted here for garlic powder...limited on my choices!, Worcestershire sauce, 1 onion, 3 stalks of celery - I skipped this one too...bleh, mushrooms, frozen broccoli, frozen baby carrots, cream of chicken soup and water). It was so yummy and I even had enough to take for my lunch AND to have leftovers tonight.

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  1. Just dropping in from Mommyfest! It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for the book recommendation. That sounds like something I definitely need!

    If you have time this week, check out the MOTHER’S DAY BLOG BASH GIVEAWAY going on at notesfrommynest.blogspot.com…GIVEAWAYS from Serena & Lily, Hand Picked Pumpkin, Modern June, Silly Jilly Bean, Pink Lemonade Bags, My Pink Zebra Boutique, Kenarie’s and many more!

    I’m also about to begin a new feature called “Coffee with…” that will put the spotlight on a new mom blogger each week. If you’re interested in being featured, check it out!

  2. Hey! Its great to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love yours. I love to cook but what a great book for those who are not really great at it!

  3. Thanks gals...I am definitely a follower of your blogs now...love them both! I would love to check out the Coffee with feature you are making too...sounds pretty fun!
