
We all have dreams. Heck, mine is to be a Disney princess and live in Cinderella's castle and have mice and birds make my clothes.

In all honesty though, how dull would our lives be if we didn't have some kind of dream. Something to strive for, and if it happens, it happens and if not - well life goes on. Now imagine you are 8 years old and are fighting a very serious illness. All of a sudden, your dreams don't seem so crazy. Your dreams become your passion. Something that helps you through the pain and hard times and when people come to help you achieve your dreams, it makes you feel so loved and not alone.

Meet Liam. He is eight years old, fighting the battle of his life against leukemia - and he has a dream. Liam's dream is to meet Ellen Degeneres and be interviewed on her talk show. Little Liam has had a hard battle, he says that watching Ellen helped him get through some rough times in his battle and he would love to be a guest on her show.

His goal is to get 500,000 members to join his Facebook group (500,000 is how many Ellen has on her fan page) and so far he is at approx. 289,000. So please, show this little guy that he is not alone and that dreams can come true and join his Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=61945374257

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Hello..this is my blog. I bought this fancy theme and I don't know what to write here just yet. Maybe one day remind me I have to write something inspiring here?


  1. Going to join now the group now! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I hope his dream comes true. I haven't checked my facebook in almost a year I will have to dust it off and join his group!

  3. Thanks so much guys! I think he is almost there! I would love to see the little guy's dream come true!
