
I never totally understood insurance and where they get their ideas from. For example, I wear glasses and contacts. I get $250 every 2 years to buy new glasses/contacts. The $250 covers one year of contacts - that's it! So that's a kick in the pants, but even more of a kick in the pants is the fact that if I were a man I would get $2,500/year for erectile dysfunction. It's hardly fair. Since when is getting it up more important than being able to, oh I don't know - SEE!!

Now that I'm shopping for car insurance, I'm a little weary about which plan I pick. I don't want to pick a plan that approves dentures for my car or something but leaves me hanging if I get in an accident, so I'm really reading the fine print...which is a little scary because this is what I found...

Missiles? For real? Since when did I move to Iraq? I've been alive for 27 years and I'm not sure I've ever seen a missile before so what makes them think that here - in Canada - a missile is going to go zooming by my window and hit my currently non-existent car.
Better go..I just saw this zoom past my window...

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  1. ha!!! what a great photo! funny lady.:)

  2. Oh my gosh... that is hilarious!! ha! look at the comment above mine!

  3. That's hilarious! Isn't insurance a crazy thing?

  4. @stevedouglas I am very sorry to hear about your condition, truly I am, I still do not agree with the insurance company to cover such a drug for $2,500 every year compared to $250 bi-annually for something that is critical for me to see when the $250 doesn't even cover the entire cost of glasses. It seems highly unfair to me and I do understand the embarassment and the prevalence of the problem and I do not think they should take the coverage away completely, but $2,500/year seems a little excessive to me.

  5. I love it! Insurance companies are so crazy!
