100 Things You May (or may not) Know About Me...

(I don't know why there are only 100 things but here we go...)

1. The best day of my life was January 15th, 2004
2. The worst day of my life was April 25th, 2005
3. I secretly love the colour pink
4. I still want to be a movie star one day
5. I listen to sappy music when I'm alone, sometiems I
even sing along, off-key of course!
6. I think I am a Microsoft Word Wizard and that they should rename the program after me. (nerd much!)
7. I drink Coca-Cola everyday...I am addicted
8. I rarely ever drink coffee/hot drinks because I always burn my tongue
9. I hate Tim Hortons (there! I said it!)
10. I think I would make an excellent spy
11. I love to talk about myself because I think I'm super-interesting
12. I'm really not that interesting, but I still like to think I am
13. I like to be funny
14. I spray spiders with hairspray before I smoosh them just so they don't get the chance to escape and crawl on me
15. I am more afraid of earwigs though!
16. I am totally addicted to reality television. I don't know how I ever lived without it.
17. I went to school to become a medical office administrator
18. I graduated with a 93% average
19. I got a little honor student pin...boy was I ever proud
20. I don't have very many friends, but the ones I do have are very good ones
21. I have a lot of online friends from all over the world
22. I live far away from my whole family
23. Sometimes I want to be near them but I am stuck here forever
24. It's a long story
25. Two people have my name tattooed on their body
26. I would never tattoo anybody's name on my body (except for Mason)
27. I want to get a Hello Kitty tattoo but I'm afraid it will be dorky
28. I have one tattoo
28. I saw somebody take their last breath
29. I saw somebody take their first breath
30. I know CPR but I am terrified to use it
31. I panic in emergency situations
32. I love the word POOP
33. I can smell things that other people can't smell...my sense of smell is very very keen
34. I have a hard time telling people I love them
35. I have one brother and two sisters (long story - all half siblings)
36. I am the oldest
37. I met my real dad for the first time in 2002
38. I don't think the meeting went so well because we haven't spoken since
39. I play computer games
40. I swear a lot - to myself
41. My hair is dark brown
42. Sometimes it changes colours on it's own..it's freaky hypercolour hair
43. I'm not really sure what my background is...but I think I'm part Italian?
44. I am creative - I love to make things
45. I went to 9 months of counselling and still didn't feel much better but I lied and said I did because I was just tired of going there
46. I think I procrastinate way too much
47. I am good at keeping secrets
48. I love FAT cats
49. I buy my cat the expensive food to try and make her fatter...it's not working though
50. I have an excellent imagination. Sometimes it makes me wonder if people would think I am crazy if I unleashed EVERYTHING that goes through my mind
51. I am amazed by the kindness and generousity of some people
52. Some people in this world totally make me sick
53. Mean people suck
54. So do my neighbours
55. My cousin Michelle makes me laugh the most
56. This one time we were throwing party snaps at people...I haven't had that much fun in a long time
57. I am now wondering where I can get some party snaps this time at night
58. I used to love animals so much, now not so much
59. I have little patience for stinky things (animals)
60. I hate things that smell bad
61. I smell EVERYTHING
62. I love cherry Kool-aid
63. I collect Tinkerbell pens at work
64. I love Hello Kitty stuff
65. I love doing crossword puzzles, they make me feel smarter
66. Green sour skittles taste the best
67. The word "perhaps" is my favourite word to use right now
68. I am still fascinated by that big giant lego man that washed up on shore...where DID that thing come from???
69. The number 69 still makes me giggle...yes I am immature
70. I still think my kid is the cutest ever (what? Moms are allowed to think that about their own kid!)
71. I am never going to smoke a cigarette
72. I am very cheap. I hate spending money
73. I am lonely and grumpy
74. I taught myself HTML in high school
75. I won an art award in kindergarden for drawing Clifford The Big Red Dog
76. I used to run a very popular Our Lady Peace fan site
77. I've been to England
78. My favourite trip was to Nashville, TN though
79. I was raised by my grandma until I was 8
80. It's been 10 years (1998) and I still miss her - but I feel like I'm forgetting her
81. My family is pretty crazy
82. I hate beer
83. I live across the street from a brewery and can smell beer all the time
84. I like to watch people sing Karaoke
85. I like to play Singstar on PS2 but I don't think I would ever sing karaoke in a bar (except that one time when I was drunk...)
86. I take too much for granted
87. I rarely let people know I am sad
88. I am a taurus - I am stubborn
89. The first time I ever had stitches was when I had my c-section
90. I have never broken a bone
91. I recently developed a fear of the dark...I just recently got over that
92. I was in grade 11 when I saw Star Wars for the first time
93. I never learned how to swim
94. I can't touch frozen juice cans - they give me the heebie jeebies
95. I have a phobia of The Hilarious House of Frightenstein. It makes me want to throw up
96. I can never ever sleep without a blanket, even if it's 100 degrees outside
97. I can't wait to be a soccer mom
98. My birthday is on May 17
99. I am afraid to be 30 (3 more years....)
100. I do not drive. I just got my beginners this year!

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Hello..this is my blog. I bought this fancy theme and I don't know what to write here just yet. Maybe one day remind me I have to write something inspiring here?


  1. Okay so I had to back read your blog. After reading your 100 things about me it was so funny we have a lot in common! Your story sounds amazing. You sound like an amazing Mother.
